Fishing planet lure bass setup
Fishing planet lure bass setup

Its pretty bad whehn people are more concerned with how much $ and EXP fish will give them based on what they are using than they are about the quality of the fishing itself.Think you’re ready to face some really aggressive adversaries? Then Bass Boss Pack is your ultimate tackle set and a first-class ticket to Bass fishing paradise! Whatever your experience level - get immediate access to Florida’s Everglades and Michigan’s Saint-Croix Lake, where Smallies, Largemouths, Spotties and Peacocks are just waiting to get hooked and give you that adrenaline action of a proper fish fight! See, herein lies the main issue with this game right now: there is far too much focus on the damn economy than the fishing.

fishing planet lure bass setup fishing planet lure bass setup

That would just compleltely defeat the purpose of the game, wouldn't it? Its up to the player/angler to get all relevent info on the species he /she is after, and set up accordingly to cover a few species in that bracket. Which it shouldn't tell you exactly what to use for each species. There are balanced ones, then there are better set ups. So far, I haven't seen one go green, but then again, I'm not using underpowered setups to see which I can push the limits with, which could give me more benefits.

fishing planet lure bass setup

I've experimented in some of my own and with the new changes, if my set up is too OP - even though I like to use it for its resilience and sensitivity - I'm given less XP/money than I deserve. Originally posted by CZBGR Icepick:There are setups on the Ubersheet, but it doesn't tell you which to use for certain fish.

Fishing planet lure bass setup